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Assisted international NGO staff injured in Tanzania plane crash

On November 6th, 2022, Precision Air Flight 494 crashed in Lake Victoria while attempting to land at Bukoba during bad weather and low visibility conditions.

Within minutes of the accident, the Inherent Risks' Operations Team received a call from an international non-governmental organisation (iNGO) to inform us that two of their staff members were onboard and they had lost contact with them.

The flight had departed Dar es Salaam with 53 people onboard, en-route to Bukoba, but crashed due to bad weather.

Nineteen people were killed.

Inherent Risks were able to deploy a local retained Response Consultant to the scene of the accident. In that time, further requests for assistance were received from organisations with staff onboard.

Within hours we were able to confirm that all passengers had been successfully removed from the flight, and were quickly able to determine that all (now seven) passengers we had been tasked with locating, had survived; except one who was declared deceased at the scene.

Our team liaised with the hospital and law enforcement, obtained medical reports, fit to fly documentation and police reports, and provided timely updates to employers and insurers.

We further provided medical repatriation to four countries, including two air ambulances for the most serious cases, and four medical escorts on commercial flights, as well as a repatriation of mortal remains.

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